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On the 24th of July 2013 a high speed train operated by Renfe, the Spanish railways company, derailed on a curve just outside the railway station of Santiago de Compostela. 79 people were killed. The train was traveling at more than twice the speed allowed on the curve. The Class 730 high speed train train involved in the accident is a hybrid diesel/electric system that p ulls two generator cars with diesel fuel tanks that allow it to operate on non electrified tracks. These are heavier than the norm for high speed trains in the rest of Europe.   At that point the high speed rails join the standard train rails and at the time no automatic braking system was in place, while on the rest of Spain’s High Speed rail system, trains are automatically stopped if the speed limit is exceeded. Of the 218 passengers aboard, 143 people were injured. It was the worst high speed train incident and third most deadly rail accident in Spanish railway history.

Millstream Films & Media, Brewery House, Twyford, Winchester, UK/Via Jacopo della Quercia 6a, Bologna, Italy,

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